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neuroses update

05.08.02 - 7:51 p.m.

I have an interview on Friday. With a women's magazine. In New Jersey. That I've never heard of. But it would be a features/entertainment editing position. So how can I not go?

Dan's roommate is moving to Boston. In August. So I guess I'm going there this summer. Not to Boston. To his apartment. He still wants us to consider moving to Chicago. Which I consider every damn day of my life. I just don't know if there's a job for me there.

These are all the updates on all my little neuroses for the day. I also had my interview with VP Development, which I don't feel like talking about, but let it known for the record that I did. Have the interview, I mean.

I am so incoherent today. All I want are nachos. Dan says he can't read me lately, but honey, I'm having trouble reading myself.

the night before - the morning after

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