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me as a powerpuff girl

field trip to the met

05.07.02 - 6:54 p.m.

Dan feels bad because he wants to do something for me, but how can you help someone out of depression? It's all inside.

Today's excursion was the "Surrealism: Desire Unbound" exhibit at the Met, since it closes on Sunday and it makes me happy to be productive before I go to work. The museum was cool and empty and I walked quickly through the Eastern statues and glass cases, past Rodin's contorted figures and 18th-century lovers, my feet quiet on parquet floors.

The exhibit itself was fine - I finally got to see what Merritt Oppenheimer looked like - but there were only a few pieces that really struck me, that made me pause in my little slow pensive art-walk. That's how it usually is for me. "Sad Young Man on a Train" and "The Bride" by Duchamp (not "The Bride Stripped Bare," but a different, older oil painting!), Dorothea Tanning's "Birthday" and "Woman With her Throat Cut" by Giacometti were the standouts, and "Woman" is kind of cheating since I visit it all the time at the MoMA.

But I love those Duchamp paintings. I really do. He was an insane "respirateur," but those things are beautiful indeed.

By the time I left, the Great Hall was bustling and people were clustered around the Monets as they are wont to do, and I was happy to have seen the museum in its sleepy early-morning private time.

I swear, someday Jack is going to ask me a question and "Because I hate you" are the words that are just going to pop out of my mouth. Although he'll probably think I'm joking, because that's how his mind works. Or doesn't.

the night before - the morning after

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