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me as a powerpuff girl

today i wore a pretty tulle skirt

05.29.02 - 7:10 p.m.

Moishe just gave me a ginger candy, the kind they put in the little check box at the end of the meal at Punch, and I just didn't have the heart to tell him that they are little chewy nubbins of death. He's too nice of a guy, and they are too disgusting of a candy.

Today, instead of spending the day lolling around the internet and reading magazines, I had to do work. I had to research the original UN building, states and counties that declared themselves sovereign from the US, and foreign aid. (Hope none of those are too specific that Jack will find them when he Googles.) And no one even told me why I was supposed to do this - Jack "explained" the research project to me - consequently, I spent the day doing a half-ass job because I wasn't being graded on it and I didn't care. Such a team player, I am.

A historian faxed Jack some documents on the UN whose cover sheets were typewritten. I want to work in a place where we use typewriters, like Sheesley and the art gallery. I miss cataloguing things.

And I can't finish this damn crossword puzzle. Can I just go be academic in a dim corner now?

the night before - the morning after

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