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me as a powerpuff girl

this is a good thing, right?

05.30.02 - 6:36 p.m.

I don't know if it's premature to announce this, but I...have a JOB! A JOB! That is not my current job and does not involve long hellish nights alone in the office, zero incentive or babysitting of Jack. And apparently not much answering of other peoples' phones, if I am to believe what the ed-in-chief said.

So I went for my second interview this morning, mentally kicking myself for leaving a copy of the Redefined Biznatch prototype sitting on my bed, but then I meet the ed and she seems nice and normal, we chat, blah blah. I ask her about her career, chatty chatty smiley blah. And then she busts out with, "I'd like to offer you the job" and starts talking salaries. Ehhrmm? I mean, I'm happy, but I wasn't expecting that.

So after the obligatory talking to all my references, they will call me and the job will officially be mine. I will be earning a miniscule amount more than I do here at SD-6, but it's still more than the other editorial assistants are making, with actual opportunities for bonuses and the like. Plus, it's a 15-minute drive from the new nest of sin I'll be sharing with my man-stud Dan. (Not that I have a girl-stud on the side; I just like the way "man-stud" sounds.)

What will happen in November with the car and the apartment is a whole new bridge I don't want to jump from yet, so I'll just be happy. So flipping excited to be moving in with Dan and so happy to have this job offer.

Then I look around and feel guilty for .02 seconds until I realize how this job has been miring me in depression for months. And that I shouldn't feel bad, or obligated, at all for wanting to get into a field in which I've already spent so much time, desire and money. Oh. And should I be drafting a resignation letter? Is it too early to be celebrating?

the night before - the morning after

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