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me as a powerpuff girl

and i only bought one thing at IKEA, and it cost $1

06.10.02 - 6:44 p.m.

Quel flippin' weekend. It looks like we're struggling through the aftermath of a tornado in our apartment, due to the boxes Kerry and I have been stealing from the dumpsters and piling in the living room. The detritus from our Saturday night of power hour and bongo-bongo dip doesn't help either, but I'm giving up on cleaning. It's no use when we're moving anyway.

We went to Costco. And Ikea. And the Broadway Panhandler sale. And Kerry's new apartment. And the A&P. And got stuck in traffic TWICE on the 1 and 9, which I took only because there was construction yet again on the Vincent Casciano Memorial Bridge. Oh, VCMB! You give me so much pain, yet I will miss you.

The cable was accidentally turned off a week early and Kerry is at a loss. I've never seen her so productive. Packing has become the house addiction; I want to pack and I have no good reason to. Next week, yes. This week, not so much. It's not like my boxes are welcome in my new place or anything and I don't want to live in box limbo in my current place, but I feel the need to DO something.

Oh, and after much drama with UPS and the incompetents at the main office, I finally got my printer and scanner. This morning. They'd been there since Friday! I carried them both, at once, in my stick arms and retro secretary dress with the evil snap that pops open if I so much as breathe, across the street and back to the apartment at 10:45 am. Mind you, I should be walking to the Path at 10:45 am but I was not going one more day without them.

I shouldn't even unpack them; they should just stay in the boxes till I move. That won't happen, though. I will want to play, play tonight before Dan comes over and possibly...just maybe...SCAN THINGS to put in here! Lovely happy things like DAN IN A BUNNY SUIT! Yeah! The world possibly cannot get any better than a picture of my boyfriend in a bunny suit, I tell you.

Now I get to go home and eat turkey kielbasa with sauerkraut and lemon cake. How are Dan and I ever going to find common meals more than once a week?

the night before - the morning after

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