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me as a powerpuff girl

dirty pop

06.07.02 - 4:58 p.m.

I don't feel very super-twinkly today. I feel like telling the whole office to sod off and walking out the door, never to return. I could do that, you know. They could just use up the rest of my "sick days" and take it out of my paycheck or whatever it is they do. They still paid Chris W. after he said "fuck it" and quit.

But I won't, cause I am a good girl who follows through on her obligations. Even if it makes me a bitter buffalo inside.

On the bright side - my printer and scanner are here! Or there, at my apartment. According to, they were "in transit" from Meadowlands this morning and should be waiting for me when I get home. Oh, please, PLEASE let me leave work at a reasonable hour tonight. Pleeeeease. I want to go scan pictures and be a huge design geek.

Earlier in the week, when I was donating books to our building's common area TV room place, I found a copy of Holy Terror: Andy Warhol Close Up by Bob Colacello. While most of you (or maybe none of you) know him as one of the editors of the Sunday Parade - you know, that free magazine thing that comes with the Sunday paper and has the dorky celeb questions on the inner cover - in the 70's, he was a swingin' member of Andy's inner circle and editor of Interview. And the book is 504 pages long. That's a lot of print devoted to their social lives, and yet I read obsessively. I'll read anything to do with Andy. (little pop hearts swirling around his name)

I've only been reading it since Wednesday and I'm halfway through. If I keep it up, I should have no problem finishing it before the move. No offense to Mr. Colacello, but it's a pretty hefty book and I don't feel like carting it up to Edgewater. I'll put it back where I found it. I was once a Girl Scout.

I wonder if my roommates ever were. I think that's their problem - they never learned to leave things in better condition than they were found.

Five more days. Five more days. With any luck, I can leave in an hour and then only five more days to go.

the night before - the morning after

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