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me as a powerpuff girl

maybe i'll go to tar-zhay after work

06.19.02 - 5:37 p.m.

Have I mentioned how much I like my job? How I'm happy even when I'm doing nothing? How it took me eight minutes to get here this morning? How I ate my lunch OUTSIDE in the sunshine and it didn't take a presidential pardon to allow me to leave? How I can pee whenever I want?

It's the small things, folks.

This move to Dan's is nuts. I estimate it will take about 15 more loads to get everything up there, and that's not counting the furniture. I can't even deal with the furniture yet. So far I have four (kind of heavy) boxes, the butterfly chair and ottoman, TV, VCR and stereo (two trips for the stereo), my large framed pictures, one more duffel of clothes, shower curtain and bedding, end tables, liquor and food. And I don't even consider myself a packrat. I'm getting rid of the 50's omelet maker and ice crusher and I threw away my old Halloween costumes, so why do I still have so much?

And birth control is the biggest pain in my ass, can I just say that? Stupid freaking insurance expensive restrictions blah blah blah, why can't I just have my slut pills and be done with it? I don't even mind remembering to take them daily, just GIVE THEM TO ME!

Um, I just found out that the new decorating assistant worked at Dan's hideous place of employment. Must go talk to her now.

the night before - the morning after

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