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me as a powerpuff girl

drunk monkey goalies

06.21.02 - 4:19 p.m.

Yesterday I wanted to write about the wonders of the GRANNY SLIP - the full-length slip I've had forever but never wore, a concession to my childhood when my mom made me wear slips under ALL my skirts because that's what women did, a relic from the days before bodyslimmers and Lycra - and how it is my new best friend because I can finally, finally wear my orange H&M skirt without the threat of VPL. This skirt was the wiliest of the wily for undergarment control; you could see everything from boy briefs to thongs underneath. I tried it all, believe me, but it was the granny slip that did it in the end. It is my new best friend.

Today, I'm tired. It's been a long week. A good week, in parts. As I told Dan in the car last night, I feel like last week was another life ago. Despite the shitty apartment situation, I like this life much better. Even if I am the new girl, I'd rather be changing copy toner here than at SD-6. Carey wants to quit. I can't blame her. Now she's the one who has to deal with Jack every day.

Perhaps I should put up pictures of Jennifer Garner in my cubicle to remind me to kick ass daily.

The one thing I miss about SD-6 was the free water cooler. This freaking Buttercup Bellywasher is so hard to drink from. Not that I drink the juice that comes inside - there's "glycerol ester of wood rosin" in there! - but I fill it with water. You can't squeeze it, though, because the plastic bottle is stiff, so it kind of dribbles through the top and I feel like a hamster with one of those water drip bottles. Blossom's head has a way more functional design. I'll try Bubbles next week just to be thorough, but I feel Blossom will be the one for me once more.

the night before - the morning after

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