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glow-in-the-dark teeth

07.29.02 - 8:24 p.m.

Hmmm. Ever since a certain someone has been out of the apartment, a certain IP address has been less frequently seen on my stats page. Now it only appears at times when I know DAN is in the apartment. Verrrrry interesting.

But, you know, I am a TRUSTING sort, so I'll let it slide. My new thing, other than my amateur sleuthing, is to use the Rembrandt teeth whitening system I nicked from work. Well, I didn't really nick it since it was just sitting there in the giveaway bin. But it sounds better that way.

So I'm putting these mouthguard things smeared with sweet minty gel in my mouth every night (really, for maximum results you're supposed to do 2 hours a day, but sheesh! ) and wondering if I'm hurting my enamel and if my teeth are going to start glowing in the dark like Ross's did. But I do it, because it was free and I'm a masochist. But only for a half hour at a time, because I start drooling like Kodi, so much that I have to keep a tissue around, and I can't talk and I can't swallow because I'm afraid you shouldn't ingest the gel. (Yet I keep putting it ON my TEETH. Explain the logic here!)

Last night I did a full hour. It was fine while I was watching SATC and I had something to occupy my mind, but from 9:30 to Home Movies was a killer. And Monday night TV is so god-stinkin' awful, especially in the summer, that I'm going to have to come up with a Movie Plan to get me through tonight.

Which I should do now, because the pillow between my laptop and my lap is becoming a little too toasty for comfort. Damn you, global warming. Damn you, lack of breeze.

Oh, also, we got a whole stack of Hello!? issues from the German publishing people today. So I can read about "Liz Hurley's joyful reaction as Steve Bing is proved as Damian's father" or "David Beckham leading England's World Cup heroes home after Brazilian heartbreak" while I marinate my teeth. Oh, you Brits. Yay!

the night before - the morning after

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