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me as a powerpuff girl

come on, buckethead!

08.01.02 - 10:31 a.m.

I listen to the oldies station on my way to work in the mornings, mainly because I need something happy and Howard Stern and the Z100 Morning Zoo just don't do it for me. Plus, I like the way Harry Harrison, the Morning Mayor, says his name. He's a good man for an oldies station, although lately he hasn't been telling me that "every day must be unwrapped like a precious gift."

But what he HAS been doing is picking soundbites from movies and shows with which to torment Mr. G, the weatherman, when he does his weather schtick around 8:50 am. Normally I can't identify any of them, but the other day I heard him use something about a "buckethead." He played it again - I heard it more clearly - it was Joe from Empire Records, yelling "Come on, buckethead!" Joe! Empire Records! I don't know why they're doing it, but I like it.

Dan went to see Bruce on the Today Show. One of the roommates moved out. It is still hot outside. I am poor.

But Kinetix liked his package of JC Fun, which makes me happy, and I got to contribute to La Resistance, even if I didn't mean to. I think I fall more on the lazy slacker side of the equation, since I am as I mentioned, POOR. And why pay for shit when you can have the company do it for free? Who's going to be making today's free lunch last for two days? Um, that would be me.

And this is so cheesy, but I'm trying to be grateful for just being around every day and having all functioning body parts and a relatively intelligent mind and a good man and a decent job. But it's never enough, I always want more, bigger, better. And the money I have in the bank is not enough, I can't save at a fast enough rate, not without killing myself from utter boredom with nothing to do and nowhere to go that doesn't involve spending a little something, so what's a girl to do? How the fuck am I supposed to afford a security deposit on a new apartment in November, let alone possibly the NJ car insurance if I want to keep driving to work?

I don't want to stay where we are. It's a lot of room for a cheap price, but there's no laundry or air conditioning, I can't fit my furniture up the stairs and quite frankly, I think it's got bad vibes. This is an argument that has been going round in my head for weeks and the only solution is to get out there and start seeing what we can afford. It's Jersey, it's not Manhattan, but I'm clueless at apartment-hunting anywhere. We need parking. We need space. Everyone is floating without knowing what they're doing, so we just need to fucking do it already.

Oh, and I made a banner for the site, since I have all the free things from the gold membership. I drew all these action cartoons of Powerpuff Me (see upper right), running and dancing and flying. It is quite possibly the cutest thing I've ever seen.

the night before - the morning after

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