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me as a powerpuff girl

six o'clock already, i was just in the middle of a dream

08.08.02 - 2:37 p.m.

Ooooh, so spacey today (and recovering from an attack of low blood sugar). Twice this morning I mentioned to Dan that today was Cake Day at the office. Perhaps this can be explained by the fact that we'll be having carrot cake, but in any case, I have low, low standards for excitement.

Why was I never enrolled in Sexy Journalism 103?

Tonight Dan and I have a date with my favorite band from third grade, the Bangles. They're playing a free show at Rye Playland. You know the amusement park in Big where Josh makes his fateful wish to the fortune-telling machine? That's where they're playing. Ah, my favorite Eighties band and my favorite Eighties movie. Quelle nostalgia trip. Different Light is one of those albums, like Mental Jewelry or even New Miserable Experience, that I still know every breath and word of. The rest of the Bangles albums? No clue, although I think we had a tape of All Over the Place at one point.

Speaking of Big, I had this creepy dream about FAO Schwarz last night. An apocalyptic, all-the-lights-suddenly-going-out-on-the-GWB kind of dream. Nothing else is sticking in my mind other than me running around in the dark, banging futilely on the doors of some back employee hallway, but come on. That clock with the human face? Scary enough any time.

the night before - the morning after

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