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because Fox 5 is a reliable news source

08.24.02 - 5:15 p.m.

Random, day's end, how-can-I-possibly-look-busy-for-one-more-hour thoughts:

Coconut mocha frappuccino. Is devil juice. With little coconut crunchies. I feel simultaneously nauseated and satiated.

I am now the proud owner of two copies of the toothy dog grin ad. Count 'em, two. The latest was found in this week's Time if you care to see it, since I'm too lazy to post the actual ad here. If I could find it online, I'd link, believe me.

The latest example of my ignorance when it comes to current events: I had no idea Europe was flooding until today, when I saw the pictures of Prague on MSN. I didn't even know about the elephant they had to euthanize. I suppose it's my own fault for not watching the Fox 5 news after American Idol. Instead, I flip to "Making the Video" starring Jimmy Fallon and Zooey Deschanel.

The "Which MSCL Character Are You?" quiz is psychic and true. Bassett told me she took it and got Danielle, whom she obviously would not have picked had she been cheating, and Andy ended up as Rickie. Hee. So I took it, completely and honestly, and got Angela! I thought it would have given me Rayanne by the way I was answering, but no. It's like the Sorting Hat. It knew, deep down inside, who we REALLY are.

I think I need to be drunk tonight.

the night before - the morning after

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