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me as a powerpuff girl

ID2: labor day

09.03.02 - 7:40 p.m.

Yeah, and we're all mourning the end of summer. I woke up late this morning, late as in 8:11 am which never happens except when I am a dumbass and forget that I set the alarm for 9 on Saturday and never changed it. And thank god for my new spiffy work shoes which are closed-toe so I didn't have to go through the "can I still wear sandals to work?" dilemma and created an outfit around them in less than 10 minutes.

And still got to work on time, even with the heavy traffic on Hudson Terrace.

Now, after using my face mask that smells like toothpaste and alleviates the dotted swiss on my forehead (only for about two minutes, but who cares), wearing track pants to lounge in for the first time in months, I am happy. Almost sedated by the smoothness of my face, the beer in my stomach and the comfort of the pants. Ah, pants.

Oh, and I'm going to start using hand parentheses. Like finger quotes, but better.

I felt like I beat the system this weekend in a small way. I've been eyeing the When Harry Met Sally DVD on sale at Target for $9.44 for quite some time, as it is one of my top five films and there's no reason I shouldn't have Rob Reiner's repetitive commentary and those seven deleted scenes. But I held off for some inexplicable reason, and now I know what that reason was. So I could buy it at the lame Wiz going-out-of-business sale for $8.50. Woo hoo! Damn the man - save a buck!

Oh, and thank you, Teevee, for this article on Ed. Even though I've been saying it all along (well, not so much the Warren stuff, although he is becoming as cringe-worthy as Meet the Parents) it's nice to see my thoughts validated elsewhere. That free-throw episode? SO. BAD. Perhaps all the cast members should start smoking crack. Then we'd REALLY get to see some wacky Phil Stubbs shenanigans.

the night before - the morning after

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