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me as a powerpuff girl

cartier does not refer to it as "bling bling"

09.04.02 - 5:32 p.m.

Oh no. It's true. The new designer guy told me I reminded him of Dido, and it is so true. I DO. I'm a brunette Dido. Not that this is a bad thing, since she's cute, and it's more accurate than any other celeb comparison I've ever received, but it means once and for all that I have a round face. I can no longer fool myself into believing it's somewhat square.

And I think I just did a bad thing by emailing Dan a list of attributes I'd like to have for my engagement ring. I never bring this shit up - don't like to talk about it, would rather not jinx anything before its time - but for some reason we had a small convo about it a few days ago. I don't even remember why.

Kerry and I have been randomly browsing rings for a while now, mostly because it's fun to look at big shiny jewelry and imagine what it would be like to casually slip on a six-figure necklace. But I never tried anything on till last weekend, when we were in this cute store in Soho and she convinced me to try one ring. Just to see.

I'm not a flashy jewelry girl, more drawn to silver wrist cuffs than semi-precious shoulder grazers, which is what makes our fantasy browsing that much more fun. Butjust having this glittering honking thing on my finger, even for the few embarrassing seconds I could stand the salesman's attention - was so thrilling that I could see why women want the big rocks. It wasn't even that honking of a rock, really, only 1.5 carats. But on my finger it looked BIG. And SHINY. And I LIKED it.

And now I'm afraid Dan will freak, even though I'm almost certain HE was the one who brought up the ring specs, given my near-paranoia about keeping it out of conversation, just because it was on my mind and I thought I'd write it down while the opportunity presented itself -

- oh, Amy just stuck a huge M&M cupcake on my desk. Yum.

- anyway, but it doesn't even mean anything has to happen any time soon. I just wanted to put it out there. Damn, this cupcake is good. I'm losing my focus.

Plus I think the world is going to end soon and I want to marry him before that happens. That's all. (snarfs down massive blue cupcake)

the night before - the morning after

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