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me as a powerpuff girl

einstein bros. + target = loooooove

10.17.02 - 5:09 p.m.

Target is going to be the best store in the world. (Some would argue that this is already so; I say read on and then decide.) I quote from Tuesday's WWD:

"Several new brands are headed for the Target chain....They include Starbucks coffee shops (already present in all 94 SuperTargets) and partnership deals to add Einstein Bros. Bagels, Cinnabon and Cheescake Factory products."

Um. YUM? They're also adding Isaac Mizrahi accessories (Dan - notify your dad!) and a C.R./Swell home line, which I may have already kvelled about here. Hooray! Nothing could be sweller. But I have to somewhat disagree with consultant Lois Huff, who said, "People shop at Target becayse they offer great looks at great prices, in a pleasant environment for a discount store - not for its designer names." It's true that I shop at Target for cheap things that don't look like they came from the dollar store, but it's so much cooler to get those cheap things when they come with expensive names. If I have a choice between a generic dish and a Cynthia Rowley dish, I'm going with Cynthia every time.

Speaking of, I think our next set of dishware should come from Fishs Eddy.

We get the keys to the new apartment tonight! I am so excited, I want to run right over there and start cleaning the tub. And picking out paint swatches. I have unrealistically high levels of optimism for this place.

And Brooke just gave me a little towel holder from the home department stash. Aw.

the night before - the morning after

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