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fashion awards dish

10.16.02 - 5:46 p.m.

So. The Fashion Awards. Were shorter than the VMAs. And had less celebrity gawking. But were still entertaining. Our seats were on the first mezzanine this time and had their own free hors d'oeuvres/drink VIP area in the mezzanine lobby, so there was no "green room" area for us to unsurrepetitiously check out the stars. Instead, we hung out with the industry people and tried to identify as many pieces of designer clothing as we possibly could. I think we were the only females actually eating anything from the buffet.

And since we weren't seated in the orchestra, we didn't get to see the parade of stars arriving 30 seconds to airtime. I really don't think there were as many stars, anyway. It was almost dead in front of Radio City in comparison to the fucking INSANE action going on out there before the VMAs. A low-key evening, but we more than made up for it with numerous Courvoisier Cosmos, two of which are all over my black silk tank. Good thing I went with the black shirt instead of the beige.

I could have worn the dress/sandals combo, but that would have prevented me from sprinting for the bus at 11:25pm and actually making it. (I was one of the last three people to get on, but whatever. I did it.) Thank god. I didn't want to wait that depressing hour in the Port Authority one more time, as I had to do after both the VMAs and the Elton/Billy show. Being drunk, I accidentally added $20 to my Metrocard instead of $2, but it's not like I won't use that up in time.

Perhaps my upset stomach this morning was not due to the cocktails but to the piece of pepper steak I accidentally ingested. Hey, I thought it was the seared tuna! It was still somewhat tasty, even if it was alien red meat. The Radio City caterers can come and cook for me anytime. And they can bring some of those chicken chopsticks.

OH - but the one celebrity we did see, as Kerry and I were picking up our last champagne of the evening at 10:45pm, was none other than Mr. Steven Cojocaru! (yes! the froufy-always-covered-in-feathers-or-fur toothy man from People!) We were also hoping for a Andre Leon Talley sighting, but Steven was way good enough. What if I had seen Anna Wintour? And been somehow caught in her death glare or something?

The next ticket acquisition HAS to be a Fashion Week show. I'll have Kerry start working her Versace connections now.

the night before - the morning after

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