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diaryland trading card

10.25.02 - 6:00 pm

Diaryland Trading Cards!

member since 09.23.00
362 entries
Gold Edition

Description: Shaggy-haired superhero, saving the world before bedtime and looking damn fine all the while

Strengths: Could beat Mark McGrath at Rock N' Roll Jeopardy; can balance on 4-inch stiletto heels

Weaknesses: Buffy reruns, shoe sales, Sephora, wine and cheese

Special Skills: Can sing "Yakko's World" and "Wakko's America" from memory; prone to snorting

Weapons: Other than heat vision, ice breath, and super-speed? There's always wit and sass. And the red suede pants.

Fun Facts: Dances to the Weather Channel's "Local on the 8s" music every morning; stomach named after Louis XIV

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