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me as a powerpuff girl

a hateful morning and a queasy afternoon

10.28.02 - 5:09 p.m.

OK. If you're going to get mad at me for making a K-turn in the middle of the street, ostensibly wasting your precious commute time, why are you going to wait around for me to come back out of my building to tell me "you should have put your signal on when you made that turn," huh? Um, thanks for the tip. Sorry it slipped my mind, what with the flat tire and the disappearing bank account and the fact that I might be cutting it pretty close on time this morning too. And if you're going to wait for me like that, could you at least help me move some boxes? That might speed things up just a bit.

So I woke myself up out of a dead sleep last night because of money. Out of a fucking deep slumber. In which I was apparently writing a student loan check and then decided to check the date on my dream watch which of course was Oct. 27 which made my brain start wondering, hey, don't those checks have to be in by the 28th every month? And have you budgeted for this what with the move and the two rents and where in the hell is your credit card bill this month anyway and I think you have one more PSE&G check for the old apartment and blah blah blah until I surfaced out of my dream as if from a murky pond. And realized I mailed my monthly loan check over a week ago. But still laid there and blurrily wondered about all the other credit/utility bills that have mysteriously not arrived this month.

And then I wondered if I could even afford to start going to yoga again, or at least to start going right now rather than waiting a month for expenses to die down. Note that all of this financial musing happened BEFORE I walked out to my car and noticed that my left rear tire was strangely more deflated than the rest. Leading to my frantic packing episode this morning so I'd have time to refill at the air pump and get to work and figure out whether I could get the tire repaired or whether I had to shell out what amounts to a pair of boots to get it replaced.

But I love that I received a press package of new Smooth Dissolve Tums the same day that my stomach is doing the hokey-pokey inside. Serendipitous, eh? How can I not go to yoga tonight with all this stress that needs to be cleansed from my person?

the night before - the morning after

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