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me as a powerpuff girl

it's getting hot in herrrre, in my velour sweatpants

11.10.02 - 2:47 p.m.

So. The sober version of my weekend. Friday afternoon, left half my work on my desk and came home at 2 to wait for the cable guys. (Why is it never a cable girl? Not that it would be my profession of choice, but I'm just asking.) Two of 'em showed up a little after 4:30 (no, it wasn't late, but it sure as hell wasn't early either) and didn't leave till 6:30. Who knew it was so hard to set up cable?

Changed my clothes and headed for the bus. Was there by 7:20. Watched FIVE "not in service" buses go by. Finally found a bus that would accept me at 7:50. Reminder to self: must call NJ Transit customer service on Monday about the 7:23 bus that never arrived.

Met Kerry, had some sweet and sour soy sensation at Zen Palate and met up with Carey D. around ten. Suddenly it was midnight. Yeesh. Made the last bus home, my first time in the scary Port Authority basement, and taped up the cupboard because I was paranoid the rabid squirrel in our walls was going to jump out in the middle of the night.

Saturday. Quick trip to Tar-zhay for Kerry, who is in withdrawal now that she lives in the city. Another bonus to staying in Jersey: all Target, all the time. (Except for Sundays.) Dad and Carol arrived. Got the couch in. Walking to Nello, we saw Chris Columbus and his kids outside the Plaza. Eating at Nello, we watched Rudy Giuliani walk in for a meal. Walked up Madison and stepped inside Pierre Deux for the first time since I was a kid. Reminded me of being bored and awkwardly dressed. Ate dinner at Man Ray next to Richard Belzer. Hey, you can't pick which celebs you see.

Tried to go to Baumgart's for brunch but apparently 9am is too early for anyone in Englewood but the bagel store workers to be up. Although I did get a bag of bagel chips out of the deal. Dad and Carol left, I did five loads of laundry and Swiffer Venomed two rooms. I wish Dan would come home and clean up his half of the study/office. "Hot in Herrrrrrre" has been in my head all weekend for absolutely no reason except that it was pleasantly warm today and yesterday. Perhaps it is time to watch Almost Famous until Dan gets home.

the night before - the morning after

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