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me as a powerpuff girl

it's not a celebrity sighting, but it makes me go 'eeeeee!' anyway

11.13.02 - 5:36 p.m.

Wooooooo! I am going to the Crate and Barrel opening press event in the Cable Building this evening! OK, so it's not the VMAs or even the Fashion Awards, but it is the opening of one of my favorite stores ever and we do need a new wastebasket for our bathroom. So I'm excited, and I'm going.

In other words, um, nothing else of importance is really happening. I'm kicking ass on many stories and I did have a weekend of extravagance, but most of the time I'm coming home, cooking exotic couscous, juggling laundry and watching my shows. (My shows - because I'm an 80-year-old soap opera addict.) I have a press pass to a Lisa Loeb show on Sunday, which is good because I'd never pay to go to one, but with my exciting day of hair-cutting and wing-eating, who knows if I'll be able to fit that in?

Although Kerry's trying to get us tickets to La Boh�me for December, so that will be a nice little social event. Amazing how the money flows just a little more smoothly when you're not moving.

Heeeee! Kristen just called me the office computer whiz. Which is a gross exaggeration but also indicative of the tech-savvy level of the people I work with. Whatever makes me valuable in their eyes, I suppose. And on that note, it's time to play with my lip gloss palette and wait for the day to end.

the night before - the morning after

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