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me as a powerpuff girl

wish I didn't have to work at all, really

11.18.02 - 9:23 p.m.

Fucking biznatch computer freezing just as I was about to post. Fucking par for the course. I am pissy. I am paying dearly for my day of non-work on Friday, so much so that I skipped yoga tonight to research this bitch-ass page I write for work that I didn't ask to write but let's give it to the editorial assistant, she can handle it, we're firing the other girl who used to write it so it can't be too hard. I hate this page with my entire being, it is impossible, I have no interest in it, I'm bad at doing it and I'd be much happier if it would be excised from my duties. I would seriously prefer doing MORE administrative work to writing this page. And that says a lot.

That was more or less the gist of my frozen embryo of an entry, now lost forever to the Mac wasteland. Cranky Old Man somehow likes me. And Dan. At least he likes us better than the other tenants, which I can't say I blame him for, but who knew he'd be our ally?

Oh, and speaking of frozen embryos, the MSCL DVD set. Is in my possession. All 19 episodes. "I know, I'm not allowed to sing, not allowed to dance, Amish mom..." I can't write any more. I have to research. They're not paying me enough to be doing work on my weeknights. They're not paying me enough in general, but for this piece of shit page? All the money in the world couldn't tempt me.

the night before - the morning after

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