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me as a powerpuff girl

I smote my sister with Buffy

11.29.02 - 12:52 a.m.

Making Bassie watch "Conversations with Dead People" because she's sorely overdue for a Buffy fix. And it is, dare I say, the best episode of the past season and a half.

It's kind of hard to fill her in - "So, Spike has a soul now," I say. "Oh? How'd he get that?" she asks. "Went to's a long story."

"And Xander and Anya?"
"Dumped at the altar...he wanted to date but to be married...not so much. She went back to being a vengeance demon, got in big trouble with D'Hoffryn, he burned up her only vengeance she's just Anya."

"Wait - someone got flayed?!"

Sigh. So. I've been thinking about maybe seeing a therapist or hypnotist of some sort about my driving phobias. Not that I can possibly afford it, but it's starting to, um, have a negative effect on my life. Regular panic attacks and vivid visions of my car upending itself and skidding along the highway are things I wish to AVOID while driving, thank you very much. So I'm considering it. It's just something. Otherwise I'm going to turn into one of those ladies who won't cross highways.

Dan's family is really nice and normal. They actually get along and buy silly hats together and wear sturdy down-to-earth-type shoes. It's so...wholesome. Dan comes from wholesome stock. And then there's my small, disjointed family, and it feels kind of nice to have both parts.

the night before - the morning after

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