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me as a powerpuff girl

me and my llama

12.04.02 - 9:30 p.m.

Weird dreams continue. Last night's installment: we were harboring a llama in our house and I was getting ready to move back onto the sorority suite with Dan. I just can't make this shit up, folks. Or rather my brain can, while I'm not there to guard it.

Maybe it's the raging hormones. Or the flannel sheets. Dan said my ass was burning up last night - well, he wasn't sure which body part was actually touching him, but he hoped it was a glute or two. I gave him the correct response, which is that my ass is hot ALL THE TIME, BABY, but it really makes me think the flannel sheets gotta go. Not such a good idea when the heat in our apartment is cranked up high enough to satisfy my grandparents. Seriously. Even before they made Florida their permanent residence, it was Endless Summer in their house.

That's all. I really just wanted to mention that I dream about llamas and Hunt Hall. Good night.

the night before - the morning after

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