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me as a powerpuff girl

cleaning on Friday nights

12.07.02 - 11:02 a.m.

Confirmed, yet again, that if I were a Friend, I'd be Monica - staying at home in sweats on a Friday night to clean sounds like a perfectly normal idea to me. In fact, that's more or less what I did last night.

And watched Office Space for the first time in a long time, with Dan, who was an OS virgin, and who couldn't place Ron Livingston's face until I reminded him that Ron was Carrie's latest writer-boy motorcycle man love interest on SATC, the one who gave her "zsa zsa zsu." Ew! That line! It still irks me, even months down the road.

Let's see: blah blah blah, huge snowstorm of 2002 on Thursday, no other tenants care to shovel sidewalks or remember that it's garbage night, orchestrated huge holiday charity sale at work yesterday, blah blah blah. Fabulous. Exciting me.

This entry had a point. Which apparently was to prove how excruciatingly dull my week has been. Must make trek to Monmouth County now. Return candy thermometer, find new showerhead, give biscotti. Escape small annoying children jumping on furniture in apartment below. Yep.

the night before - the morning after

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