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me as a powerpuff girl


01.09.03 - 5:36 p.m.

Those burritos Ozzy was wolfing down on Tuesday's episode? Those Chipotle burritos? I know them. I love them. I obsess over them with the same fervor. But apparently the Chipotle company is run by the same fools who run Buffalo Wild Wings, the same fools who don't think the New York metro area is in any real need of their food, because I haven't had a Chipotle since I left Chicago. And lord, do I ever miss them. There was a rumor when I lived in Evanston that Chipotle is owned by the McDonald's corporation, which may or may not be true, but I don't really care if the League of Bunny-Torturing Evil Men owns the chain because the burritos are SO DAMN TASTY.

Delving further into the Chipotle website, I see that there are quite a few branches around the D.C. area. Why did someone not inform me of this during the weekend of Cookie Bake 2K2? How far out of his way can I make Dan drive next weekend? Come on, Baltimore's not THAT far away from College Park. Only 30 miles or so. Half an hour for a burrito? That's nothing!

I just like burritos. That's all.

Oh, and I'm seriously wondering if it's worth watching Ed anymore, but I might as well finish out the season. I will stay for the goodness of Eli. Whom I love. Possibly even more than Kenny, sacrilegious as that may sound. I will stay for him and for the possibilities of seeing tubby pigs and signs that say "Farewell, stomach." And that is really all.

the night before - the morning after

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