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me as a powerpuff girl

drinking Pimm's and dancing

01.10.03 - 7:14 p.m.

I think I have carpal tunnel in my left pinky and my eyes are all woogly. That's the feeling you get from searching on Google and Nexis all day. But I'm going to Boston tonight for a weekend with Leanne, which is sorely overdue, and I packed the awesome Mossimo shirt I snagged yesterday at Tar-zhay. It looks like my moom's sheets from the Seventies, people. The sheets that she hated and turned as dropcloths and rags but I loved them nonetheless. It's all red-orange and paisley and tunic-like and shit. My repressed hippie child emerges once more.

Oh, and the Swell line is out and running about the aisles of Tar-zhay as we speak. I was sorely tempted to buy martini-glass toothbrush holders and large stripey ribboned rugs, but then realized Dan would be severely emasculated by the presence of all those items in our bathroom. So I refrained. Resisting Swell-ware? If that isn't love, I don't know what is.

But he did say we could drive to the Chipotle in College Park next weekend. So all is fair, I suppose.

Bassie called me today. She made it safely to her flat, which is really a dorm, but I'm going to say 'flat' anyway because it's more Continental, even though Scotland technically is not the Continent, but I'm starting to confuse myself with my own twisted logic. And I do believe she's had more fun in the past week than in most of her F&M career, but that's not really for me to say. All I know is that she was drinking Pimm's and dancing. Bassie gone wild!

the night before - the morning after

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