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me as a powerpuff girl

breakfast potato empanadas

01.22.03 - 6:10 p.m.

DAMMIT! They changed the Hotmail homepage again.

I don't want to sound like a cranky oldster who's afraid of change, but every time they do that, it really knocks me for a momentary loop. It should only take me a few seconds to check my mail, but when that unfamiliar screen pops up, my head goes snerk and I stare all confused like a cat surprised by a laser pointer for a minute or two.

Not to mention I did the semi-routine changing of my passwords a month ago and my fingers STILL aren't trained for the new ones.

I went to a press event today and randomly saw Nicole. It made the entire experience worthwhile. That and the little breakfast potato empanadas. I often wonder why I don't have any friends other than Kerry, and every once in a while something like this happens to make me realize that I DO in fact have lots of friends - they just live in cities far far away from me. (And yes - New York counts as a city far far away from northern Jersey when you're trying to schedule lunch get-togethers. Ain't no way I can haul my butt into the city and out again in an hour. And ain't no way my friends are coming to me.)

Le sigh!

Oh, but tonight, worlds collide, because I finally get to meet Heather. Mmmmm...Heather.

the night before - the morning after

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