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me as a powerpuff girl

it's time to clean these boats

02.02.03 - 11:05 p.m.

Remind me the next time I'm sad, as I so often am, of moments like this and of how good it feels to have quiet, happy nights like this one.

Although tomorrow it will be back to the same old doom and gloom, and another hard week after such an awful, awful week before. I will have to unpack everything that has been packed, fix more financial hoo-ha with all the accounts I've been juggling, and write more crappy health copy that I could care less about.

But today was good, and the David Gray show was good, even if I had to forcibly pull my mind away from thoughts of work and to-do lists more than once and make it concentrate on the music.

I will say this for the show: the lighting was spectacular. Go, lighting guy. You and the cinematographer who shot the videos for the middle third of the show are masters of your craft, I'll tell you that.

And thank you, David, for playing "Be Mine" and doing a cute little dance, although I think you should have pulled more from A Century Ends and less from the somewhat boring middle section of White Ladder, although I'm not really complaining, because hearing the title track of said album live did give me a new appreciation for the song. The new stuff is really top-notch, though.

And thank you, audience, for being pretty well-behaved. Drunk girls three rows in front of me? You were not so well-behaved, but I'll let it slide, because you amused me. Way to kick back with a few million overpriced glasses of Madison Square Garden champagne, ladies.

Meh. Time to finish my depressing book on Sylvia Plath.

the night before - the morning after

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