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pie vs. ice cream

02.07.03 - 5:58 p.m.

Seriously, asses! Just because you have an SUV the size of my house doesn't mean you can go 50 mph in this weather!

I thought I had nothing to say, but then I called Dan for our nightly "I'm-leaving-soon-what-are-you-hungry-for" debate, and we proceeded to have a conversation about pie, mint chocolate chip ice cream, the chemical-laden low-fat whipped topping in the fridge, his habit of eating mint chocolate chip ice cream mixed WITH the whipped topping (a habit I find mindboggling and revolting), and whether or not it is worth braving a possibly icy and very steep hill to bring pie home this evening.

Pie is at the Whole Foods at the bottom of the hill. Ice cream is at the Food Emporium along the level road leading directly from work to my door. What do I want more?

the night before - the morning after

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