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pie vs. ice cream RESOLVED

02.09.03 - 8:16 p.m.

Just so everyone knows? I went with the ice cream Friday night. Breyers Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream, to be exact. I copped out and got the lower-fat version, but only because it came with 15 percent more ice cream for the same price as the full-fat kind.

But I went with Dan's mom to Delicious Orchards today and bought myself a wee strawberry rhubarb pie. A personal pan pie, if you will. I opted out of the cherry since my grandparents will have a full-size pie waiting for me next week in Florida. We also purchased a single-serving chocolate peanut butter for the Danster, his right to which he nearly forfeited when he started getting grumpy and snippy during the ND-Pitt game.

The best option would have been peach pie, warm, with a side of Breyers vanilla bean ice cream, but it's not the right season for les peches. Otherwise, I would have been all over that bitch.

Renewing my driver's license in Easton was rather uneventful. I think it took us longer to find the Palmer Park Mall where the photo center was located than it took me to go through the entire renewal process. I thought they'd give me the third degree since my license address is for my father's house, my voter registration is for my mother's house, and I was renewing my license in a town five hours from BOTH of those houses, but the convenient computer questionnaire took care of any potential awkwardness.

And my picture is SO MUCH BETTER. Granted, I look like a brunette Reese Witherspoon from the Sweet Home Alabama poster (I have a pointy chin thing going on in the photo), but that's highly preferable to looking like a twitchy-eyed drunk, like I did in the last one. Happas, as Douglas Adams would call it, will not occur with this new photo.

the night before - the morning after

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