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me as a powerpuff girl

pre-vacation insanity

02.13.03 - 11:13 p.m.

Dammit...I am supergluing my fingers together trying to fix my $8 Old Navy bag while running around trying to find the adapter that lets two people listen to the same walkman/discman at the same time and possibly maybe I should bring a camera battery, just in case, and oh god, Dan opened the 20-pack of tapes and they're falling all over the place and did I not bring enough skirts? What if the weather gets freakishly warm and I didn't bring any summery cotton skirts?

I need to stop. And watch the last half of Gilmore Girls before I go away for nine days, leaving eighteen hours of unwatched TV shows in my wake.

Actually, we may have pared it down to sixteen, but that's still a damn lot of TV to be watching. Sick people. Sick. And I still have to figure out how I'm going to arrange the scones artfully yet still get them to Orlando in one piece. They are MASSIVE scones, people. I didn't realize they'd puff up so much - some of them are like the size of my head. I think it's going to be scone sampler day at work tomorrow just to get rid of all these things.

I went to Macy's tonight after my biannual doctor's violation to gaze lovingly at the tangerine Mixmaster, and also to make sure that bitch on the phone didn't misquote the price to me earlier in the week. By my calculations, it's still cheaper for me to use my Williams-Sonoma credit and buy one there, even though a box with the big orange "Tangerine!" sticker was staring me right in the face and I wanted to put my arms around it and cuddle it and stroke it and make it be mine, all mine! (See, Jessica, you're not the only one.)

But I walked away. And ended up buying a new coffeemaker (the Krups Il Caffe Duomo, which makes both espresso and regular coffee, because sometimes you feel like a highly caffeinated frothy bean, and sometimes you don't), and a baby Fry Daddy for Dan. Even though I swore to him up and down that there would be no deep fryers in this house, the price was right and it was so tiny and's a personal fryer for the Tiger. Nothing says love like deep fried goodness.

So now I have an extra espresso machine that is Starbucks-grade, expensive and professional, but kind of a bitch to use. Any takers? I'll sell it to you cheap.

the night before - the morning after

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