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me as a powerpuff girl

when you see the southern nerd for the first time...

02.11.03 - 9:29 p.m.

I thought this week was going to be nothing but a big headache. As is my custom, I have overworried, and things are turning out much better than planned. Even tonight's dinner was a tasty surprise, considering the lack of food in the apartment.

So I guess I don't have to drive to the Social Security office in Hackensack after all, and we get to fly home from Orlando first class. My grandpa CAN eat scones despite his diabetes, so I can make the g-rents homemade gifts instead of racking my brain for something I'd need to purchase by Friday. Work is work is work, neither wonderful nor awful.

Then again, Dan did forget to set the Gilmore Girls tape in the bedroom, so we missed the first 27 minutes. And it was the one where Emily met Jess, too! I should have double-checked it, but it was a little hectic with laundry, dinner and general household organization going on simultaneously.

Plus, the Mixmaster isn't on sale at Macy's like I was told, which is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because I don't have to figure out how to fit in time to go to Paramus and buy it this week, but a curse because if it were on sale for $120 like Dan's mom said, I could have used my Macy's certificate and paid, like, $30 bucks total for a Mixmaster. Which I then would have taken to Williams-Sonoma, claiming it was a gift, and exchanged it for MY ORANGE ONE.

Which I will get anyway, now that Dan's refund from Pottery Barn has come through. And I will end up paying like $100 for it in the end.

I could live with fewer material things, but I'd be very sad indeed.

Oh, and have I mentioned that Clay from American Idol is my new boyfriend? He is. Dan accepts this as fact. Even if he doesn't make it to the top ten (and part of me hopes he doesn't, because being on American Idol is more or less like becoming a question in the next edition of Trivial Pursuit and nothing more), he still has a place in my heart. Go southern nerd!

the night before - the morning after

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