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me as a powerpuff girl

letter to the bass

02.25.03 - 6:15 p.m.

Dearest puppy,

O, I have so much to tell you! Two very important things happened the day we went to Disney World. The first is that Dan and I were driving in the Mystique! (which has been shorn of its flag sticker but now sports one of those jaunty flags that attach to the window) to Orlando, listening to that Jim Croce song that goes, "Operator, can you help me place this call." If you aren't familiar, let's just say it is Fogelberg-esque, so as it ended I was like, "Now we have to hear some manly Dan Fogelberg!" And I started singing "Leader of the Band" over whatever was playing next, and Dan was like, "I don't know that song, shut up." But what song came on DIRECTLY AFTER THAT? Hmmm? None other than "Leader of the Band" itself! I caused it to appear! O Dan Fogelberg! You heard my prayers for soulful white-man rock and answered them manfully!

The other news, I am happy to report, is that they have partially restored Spaceship Earth to its 80's glory! The part at the very top of the dome that was originally the astronaut floating over the Earth and a background of stars is BACK, minus the astronaut. No more stupid AT&T "ooh, look at us connect everyone with a horrible LCD representation of fiber optics or something." Just good old goosebump-inducing 80's tableaux once more.

I knew you'd be happy.

In Sea World they had amusing bouncy music playing in the penguin room. The penguins themselves were somewhat indecisive, but there were just so damn many of them that there was enough to look at for a looooong time. They are so rotund when they just lay on the ice! Like big furry black eggs! And the emperor penguins were STATELY, and all of them have projectile poo.

Dan has decided that his new pet name should be "puffin," and I think mine is "armadillo," but I'm not sure. Armadillos are like metal bunnies! Even though they were romping all over the grounds by the Space Center, we didn't catch any on film. Saaaaad. I almost bought you a big panda picture frame in Celebration, but then I realized I'd have to cart it to Scotland and you'd have to cart it back, so I refrained. There was also a monkey dress and a monkey purse and a huge monkey pillar for someone's living room, but I got none of that either.

Louis XIV is calling for his dinner and we still have no food in the house apart from cereal and Doritos, so I must be off to the Foods that are Whole because I am a produce snob, and also to the Emporium of Food, aka Dad's Favorite Grocery Store. Have fun with Monsieur Boggs if I do not talk to you this week, and know that I LAUVE YOU, PANDA!



the night before - the morning after

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