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me as a powerpuff girl

pressure: work, fashion and otherwise

02.26.03 - 6:03 p.m.

Good things come to those who wait. Like a DVD screener copy of My Big Fat Interminably Hyped Greek Wedding so I can finally be the last person in America (other than Dan) to see the goddamn movie, and see it for free.

I've been feeling much better about my job today and yesterday. I think Monday was just me being crabby after coming back from vacation and learning that yet another one of my sidebars had to be rewritten because of bad direction from an editor whose main story yet again wasn't what Carol wanted, thereby affecting my mini-piece too. Obviously the fact that this has happened before isn't it making it any easier to handle.

But even my worst days here are better than the best days at the movie company, which is a fact I should remember more often.

Plus, I got an email from someone who works at Interlochen as a response to one of my queries, and I got a wobbly orange Weeble/space chair-type clock along with an invitation to a press event that actually looks interesting (and is at Brasserie 8 1/2, so woo hoo!) and have I mentioned how much I love my new Buzz by Jane Fox bag? Cause I do. It is black and wooly and has a cute turquoise BEE! The bag would be nothing without the bee, but then, all Jane Fox bags would.

Dan says not to make plans for Saturday and Sunday afternoon because he has "...stuff..." planned. Now I know we're going to the Matisse Picasso show because I hinted broadly that I would like to see it as my birthday present, but I have no idea what he's doing that could take up a whole weekend. Buying fireproof safes? Camping in Central Park? A pub crawl involving every bar in Manhattan? (Fuck THAT; it would take closer to a month.) Feh! I hate freaking surprises.

Moom, of all people, has started to realize the value of ASKING SPECIFICALLY for what you want for birthdays and holidays. Thanks to me, she's now addicted to Illuminations candles and H20+ sea marine body scrub, and mentioned that either would be a good present, should I be looking for Mother's Day gift ideas. "Well, I want them!" she squeaked. Yes. Exactly. There is no reason you shouldn't get what you want, especially from people with whom you are close enough to offer suggestion.

And I am usually so crafty and frugal with gifts, deciding what would be the most practical thing for me to get at the time, like money if we're going to move soon or cookware that I really need but can't afford on my own. But I HAD to get the Jane Fox purse this time. Technically, I do need it. My faux Tod's bag probably won't make it through another season looking decent and no one could afford a real Tod's for me unless every single person buying me a present combined their resources. But this bag should do nicely, especially if I Scotch-Gard it.

Of course, I have to go buy Scotch-Gard now. How do the employees of Vogue do it? I can't imagine the pressure. I am happy to be one of the better-dressed staffers here, even though I'm hardly facing any stiff competition. Life would be easier if I didn't care so much about appearances, but it would be an empty and grey existence. Hot damn, I love me some pretty clothes.

The plant on my desk is vibrating, by the way.

the night before - the morning after

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