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me as a powerpuff girl

"who's faith?"

03.07.03 - 5:16 p.m.

"I know for a fact that I look good in blue Spandex. If it doesn't happen, Space Ghost is always an option."
--Jerry O'Connell, on playing Superman

The phone rang last night as Dan and I were making pizza. I pick it up: "Hi, Dad."

Dad: "Who's Faith?" (no "hi" or anything, thanks)

"Ummm..." (stifles urge to laugh out loud) "Well, Buffy briefly died at the end of season 2, and before she was brought back to life, a new Slayer was called. And that was Faith."

"But why was she in jail?"

"Because she got in cahoots with the Mayor of Sunnydale, who was evil, but then she accidentally killed one of his aides, whom she mistook for a vampire. So she was locked up for murder."

"Oh. So is Cordelia really pregnant in real life?"


"I knew it! (yells to Carol) She is! I told you she was looking fat." (back to me)"So she's having Connor's baby?"

"Well, some people think it's the Beast's. They've been calling her 'Whoredelia' online."

"Heh, that's a good one."

I guess some conversations with my father don't make me cry, after all.

the night before - the morning after

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