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me as a powerpuff girl

"Our protectors!" we will call them

03.18.03 - 5:15 p.m.

Hmmm, so what have I done today at work? Ate some mango souffle, hunted down cultural anthropologists, ate a cheese sandwich, researched the practice of eating dirt, contemplated a Target run, ate peach souffle, ate popcorn.

Now I need water.

I just want to go to Scotland. I bought new trainers for the occasion. OK, and also for the fact that I'm wearing through the heels of my New Balance and I somehow managed to wear the entire way through the mesh insoles of my Nine West faux-tennies. But they're from Nine West, so who cares. Now I have pretty Diesel ones with velcro. Velcro like I was never allowed to have in kindergarten because I had to learn to TIE my shoes, dammit, and not that cop-out making-rabbit-ears way either. Having a teacher for a moom is so hard. And where has it led me? Actively seeking shoes that require no tying whatsoever. You can't fight destiny.

I will say in my kindergarten shoes' defense that, even though they were cursed with traditional laces, they did have scratch-and-sniff strawberries on them. No, I don't know why one would want to put scratch-and-sniff strawberries on the side of a kid's stinky sneaker. But they made the shoe that much cooler.

Just got an email from Carol. Talking about how good it is for me to see the pupp in her time of need. Which is true. But it's almost all people can talk about and I wish they'd stop making this into a red-level crisis. Yes, she's my baby sis. Yes, they dated for a long time. But she's not this wilting flower! I don't know, Bass, maybe I'm reading this wrong, but I know you are stronger than most people think and it irks me that everyone perceives you as this fragile sad-eyed waif who needs to be shielded, reminded, protected. I think you're doing just fine and HAVE done just fine for yourself ever since you've been at school. Feh.

But the best part of Carol's email is when she writes, "oh well, we have all been there." You go, sister! Mm-hmm! Yes, we've all been there. You and Dad in particular.

Anyway. I promised Dan tacos and stuffed potatoes for dinner tonight. The next hour must go quickly.

the night before - the morning after

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