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me as a powerpuff girl

also, she needs her harry potter uno

03.19.03 - 10:09 a.m.

Everyone is worried about me leaving the country. Even Brooke, my coworker, said this morning that every time she watches the news she thinks of me and worries. I am not worried. What can I do? I'm only flying to Scotland, not the most dangerous and war-torn of destinations, I'm flying on British Airways, probably one of most low-profile airlines, my sister is over there and I'll be damned if I let everyone's paranoia get in my way.

Seriously, what can I do about it? My worrying and overthinking isn't going to cause anyone else to change their world plans. I am just one person. And don't give me that "butterfly flapping its wings" activist crap. My inner vibes aren't going to reach around the globe and stall war for one more day. So I am just not going to think about anything and conduct my normal daily business and what happens, happens.

the night before - the morning after

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