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there are no squirrels in Scotland

03.27.03 - 12:48 p.m.

...but there are a lot of cats. Almost every time we walked around Bassett's neighborhood, we ran into a different black and white cat.

It is hard to distill the trip into anything that could be considered a cohesive narrative. Our brains just don't work that way. So I will write a few random phrases that will serve as memories of Scotland for the next time I read this entry.

Bassett goes to school at Hogwarts.
Charles Rennie Mackintosh makes cool lamps and tea rooms.
My new nickname is Peploe.
We drank at the Water of Life, or as Bass and Meredith called it, "Ugghhhh Bleaghhhh."
Meredith is a Charming Lady.
Bassett lives at the top of The Huffing Hill.
The public art head disappeared a few days after I took its picture.
Bassett rides the pub scooter home after drinking a little too much whisky.
Then she leaves her keys in the bathroom.
Hooray for the ChubbChubbs!
I should have bought the Karamel Sutra ice cream instead of the Honey, I'm Home.
Free art is good art. Free buses that take you to the free art are also good.
Demon clock. Hidden soup store.
St. Mungo.

the night before - the morning after

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