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me as a powerpuff girl

sisterly adventure!

03.20.03 - 12:28 p.m.

Sung to the tune of "Astronaut Jones" by the great, great Tracy Morgan:

I'm going to Scotland!
I'm packing my suitcase
With lots of jeans!

Yeah, Scotland
Brought a pen from space
To light up my sister's face
She'll think it's keen

Soon we'll
Have fun and adventure!
Sisterly adventure!
In Glasgow town

Because I'll fly today
On British Airways
And then I'll soon say
Bassie, you are my hound!

And I'm glad I wasn't not the only one pissed off at the WB for pre-empting the last five minutes of Angel just so they could switch over to a CNN feed. Thanks, WB. I know you're the most reliable, trusted news program on my digital cable and all, and that people always turn to you first when they want the hard-hitting info. But could you have waited FIVE BLOODY MINUTES? It was 9:55! The news was coming on at 10 anyway! The monkey didn't make his announcement till 10:15! Let us have our small comforts, why don't ya? And if our small comforts involve a resouled vampire and his band of fools, who are you to judge?

Ahem. OK. Much better now.

Addendum: While I do agree with the Etiquette Grrls that one should dress properly for flights (no wifebeaters, no gym shorts, and certainly no pajamas!), I don't think that dressing to the nines should be the only acceptable standard either. It's a bit much for a single gal to lug a big red suitcase, over-the-shoulder portage bag and possibly a box of scones or other gift while simultaneously juggling her boarding pass and photo ID for all interested parties. Not to mention the hassle of putting yourself back together after the security stripdown. Now try doing that in a suit and heels? No thanks, I prefer my ankles unbroken.

No one should deal with luggage, delayed flights, rerouted flights and sprints from the end of one terminal to the other to catch a connection that might have left five minutes ago while dressed like a Hitchcock heroine! Those days of flying are over. However, it's not asking too much for a guy (or girl) to put on a pair of khaki shorts instead of something looks like their bathing trunks.

So I will wear a nice, clean pair of jeans (in winter) or chinos (in summer) and a nice, clean pair of trainers on all my travels. If I choose to wear flip-flops, my toes will be perfectly pedicured, as they are at all times when they might be seen by the public. I will dress myself presentably while dealing with the possibility that I may be sitting in the same outfit for twenty-four hours straight. And now, off the flight fashion soapbox I go. Happy trails.

the night before - the morning after

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