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04.01.03 - 10:48 p.m.

My state tax refund came today. It's a pretty big chunk of change. Not big enough to pay my rent next month, but not bad. Which leads me to the question: do I save it, or blow it all on shoes?

GAH! I hate doing the right thing!

And Dan lies. In his own DIARY. He came home at 9pm on Friday, not at 8. Liar! I am the truth-teller. I will make the annals of history accurate for all who want to read about our sad, sad lives in the year 2025. Or tonight. Or tomorrow. Whatever.

Tomorrow I am putting my refund straight into my savings account before I'm tempted to do anything else with it. That cash would go a loooong way at Target. That's all I'm saying.

the night before - the morning after

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