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me as a powerpuff girl

arts and crafts failure

04.02.03 - 5:52 p.m.

Meh. Took a walk with Elizabeth. She's going for her Ph.D in something-or-other in June. It's on the DL for now, very hush-hush, but I get to know about it. Finally, for once I am in the know!

Not that it matters. Because the bulletin board I spent all afternoon making, my stupid goddamn third grade bulletin board that I took time away from RESEARCHING and WRITING and CALLING PR PEOPLE to create...was apparently not good enough for my boss. And I have to do it again. This time with pink and green ribbons, and pink scalloped edges. I'm sorry that I'm not so well versed in the art of MORALE BOOSTING IDIOT BULLETIN BOARD MAKING.

I'm sorry, I know it's so childish to be upset, but I took a lot of time away from other editors' projects to do this throwaway project, and then to be told such an insignificant project is not good enough is just....why didn't you hand it to one of the designers if you had such specific ideas, then? Or given me a little more direction other than "make a sunny theme and put reader letters on it"?

Tonight I am taking a book home on quitting your job and travelling cross-country. Because that is my new life plan. Yep, I'm a quitter. Quit quit quit, la la la.

the night before - the morning after

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