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me as a powerpuff girl

i could swim in cheese

04.10.03 - 1:09 p.m.

"That's $10 I could spend on cheese!" - me

"I could swim in cheese." - Amy C.

I should not let my heels out in public looking the way they do. Even though I gave them some extra special attention during Tuesday's pedicure, they're really not up for public perusal yet. But I finally had my red Interlochen clogs resoled, and I couldn't go one more day without wearing them. I missed them so.

Despite the fact that yesterday I wore my thickest black opaque tights and a pair of knee-high black boots. In April. I probably shouldn't be going sockless today, but there ya go. Shoe love is a powerful and mysterious force.

Dan says I can't compare my addiction to shoes to his addiction to attending baseball games. I don't really know what his parameters are, although mine is probably more cost-effective in the long run. Even if I'm spending $150 a pop for one pair, I get YEARS of wear from a single purchase. Dan's investment of $40 gets him an afternoon. That's probably not the point, though. Maybe splurging on a pedicure is more akin to splurging on a day in the bleachers.

John Mayer's "Why Georgia" video is just chock-full of That Girl. The one who sings along with that stupid look on her face. The face that says, oh, look how hot and sensitive I am, John's words just reach into my very soul, just like my favorite album from Matchbox 20, oh, do you like my casual all-American beauty, cause I took it wholesale from the Abercrombie catalog, oh, love ME, I'm so devoted, I'm feeling it, John!

That Girl. Aughhh.

Oh my god oh my god oh my god someone just walked into the office with a teeny tiny bull mastiff puppy oh my god it is so fuzzy and cute and wrinkly and oh my god. I gotta go.

the night before - the morning after

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