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me as a powerpuff girl

holey moley

04.14.03 - 10:03 p.m.

Ye Olde Movie Company that I used to work for has a movie coming out on April 18th. It was in production when I left - I used to watch dailies at the office late at night while I waited for my boss to call - but I never really believed it would see the light of day. It just seemed like such a far-off possibility to me...I didn't really know how things worked, and I was so miserable at that point that I really didn't care. Fast forward a year - the trailers and ads are everywhere, there's a thread on the Fametracker forums, and there's a spread in EW this week to boot. It's just so odd to see this thing, this little piece of this little movie company all over, and to be like, hmmph. Wow. They really did it.

Who knows if it'll actually be a success or not, but it's out there, at any rate. The PR gal invited me to a screening tomorrow night and though I'm not really up to seeing my ex-coworkers ever again - a little too high school reunion for me - I'd like to go. Mostly so I don't have to spend money to see it in the theater, and I DO want to see this. I have to know if it all came together. Knowing its backstory, how can I not?

Probably none of the people I used to work with will be at the screening save PR Gal, since it's at 7 tomorrow and that's nowhere near quitting time for that office. I only have one prayer to offer up to the gods: Do Not Let Jack Be There. Please. Please. For the love of all that is holy, never let me see that boy again.

God, my stomach hurts.

And in a karmic twist of events, the same day that I learned one of my favorite diaries was going under lock and key, I clicked on an amusing banner and found another interesting diary. It's been a long time since I've found a diary at random that holds my attention, but this one's good. And I'll take whatever silver lining I can get.

the night before - the morning after

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