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the musical friday five

04.11.03 - 4:43 p.m.

OK. This is another good Friday Five theme.

1. What was the first band you saw in concert?

Tiffany. Fifth grade. 1989. The Syria Mosque in Pittsburgh, which has since been demolished. I sported a lavender denim jacket with matching miniskirt, and I believe my sister also rocked some pastel 80's gear.

I believe New Kids on the Block may have opened, but I didn't really understand the concept of an opening act, since it was my first show. I remember looking at my dad kind of confusedly when these dancing guys took the stage instead of my beloved Tiff. I think they also sang a song about radio or TV (which I never heard on any NKOTB album, so maybe it wasn't them after all.) We had to leave the concert before it ended so my dad could get us back to Moomy's house at a decent hour. I didn't really understand that at the time, either.

2. Who is your favorite artist/band now?

The all-time answer is of course R.E.M., but the current answer might have to be David Gray. As Dan can tell you, since I listen to A New Day at Midnight on an almost-daily basis. I had a streak going with Counting Crows' Hard Candy too for a while, but I'm trying to cut back.

3. What's your favorite song?

Of all time - "Nightswimming." Currently - "Be Mine." See favorite artists above.

4. If you could play any instrument, what would it be?

Oh, the guitar. No question. I've been toying with the idea of getting lessons, but given my past failures with the violin and piano (and partial failure with the bass), I have a sinking suspicion that I may be lacking the musical talent gene. Which is a damn shame for someone who loves music so much.

I'd try playing the bass again - I don't think I was THAT bad - but I'd much rather do the guitar. Then Bassett and I could take our Simon & Garfunkel act on the road.

5. If you could meet any musical icon (past or present), who would it be and why?

I'm not sure I would actually want to meet any of my musical idols. As much as I star-stalk, it would be somewhat uncomfortable for me to sit down and talk with any of the people whose music connects with me strongly. It would ruin things, In terms of random musical icons...I think I'd like to hang out with Nina and Louise from Veruca Salt (back when they got along), or They Might Be Giants. I did have an opportunity to be "press photographer" and accompany my friend Drew as he interviewed them, but I couldn't skip town and travel across Pennsylvania for the night. C'est la vie. But honestly and truly (I've been sitting here for a while thinking about this, believe me), I can't come up with one person I'd like to meet.

But I'll think of about twenty tonight. Just wait.

In other news, I think my teeth are rotting away from all the sugar I've sucked down. Two pink Peeps (stale) and five Skittles. I can't eat the new blue and purple Peeps. They seem unnatural to me, whereas the pink and yellow ones - and to a lesser extent, the white - are perfectly normal. Yes, I have psychological issues with my Peeps. Doesn't everyone?

the night before - the morning after

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