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me as a powerpuff girl

a much-needed sick day

04.23.03 - 12:16 p.m.

Damn, I wish there were some way to bring my computer into the bathtub with me. This wireless thing isn't enough - it needs to be Waterproof Wireless technology too.

I should be brainstorming ideas ansd contacting our west coast editor, but I'm not. I felt guilty all morning (like from 4 to 7 am kind of morning) over whether or not I should take another sick day, but I'm not putting any more thought into it. I'm at home. I can do what I want. I'm tired of running myself ragged over small things that don't really count in the grand scheme of The Magazine. I can whip something out tomorrow, when I'm officially back at work.

Instead, I have:
gone to Tar-zhay
started assembling my new clippings journal
wrapped Kerry's gift
killed a bug
handwashed my unmentionables
and a sweater
listened to the new Pete Yorn album
found that lost slide of Nicole and I at her sister's house
made the bed

And as soon as I'm done with this entry, I'm going to weed out the dead daffodils from the arrangement on the dining room table, burn two copies of the aforementioned PY album and make packages to mail to Bassett, Moom and various amigas. I'd say all of this is just as productive as being at work, and considerably less stressful. And I will continue to listen to the Turtles, who are so so groovy. Sing it with me! "Ellleanor, gee I think you're swell, and you really do me well, you're my pride and joy, etcetera....."

Then Dan and I are going to IKEA to conquer Markor once and for all.

I had a dream last night about Daddy Warbucks' mansion - the real one, at Monmouth University. We were sneaking around it, in and out of the atrium area with the fountain, so as not to disturb the administrative people who work there, but somehow ended up in the food court (which does not exist in real life) with lots of annoying children and a smelly public restroom.

And for some reason, Richard Gilmore was there. Which could either be because he played FDR in the movie or because I watche GG right before I went to bed. Was that episode excruciating for anyone else? Did it not just drag and drag? Was it not just a bunch of non sequitur scenes all strung together? Did Sookie ever forgive Rory for not consulting on the World's Largest Pizza - Almost? What a freaking letdown.

the night before - the morning after

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