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me as a powerpuff girl


04.28.03 - 9:20 p.m.

This sickness is sucking my will to live. My boss and her second-in-command strongarmed me into going to the doctor this morning. I think they fancy themselves as my surrogate moms sometimes. But they were right, and for once, my doc's tendency to overprescribe came in handy. Apparently my allergies were working in tandem with my infection, making the lovely stream of phlegm taking up residence in my throat all the more powerful. He gave me an allergy shot, Zyrtec and Zithromax. Ah, sweet Zithromax. You haven't failed me yet.

Wow, is Boston Public ever bad. It was bad when I stopped watching, about halfway through the first season, but WOW. This is worse. Michael Rapaport? I thought so much more of you, even when you sunk to a guest spot on Friends. But this I'm not sure I can forgive....

...I say as I sit here, waiting for Mr. Personality to come on. Pot? Hi, I'm Kettle.

the night before - the morning after

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