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the last piece of key lime pie

05.19.03 - 9:05 p.m.

I am not dead. I would be, if I didn't have this weekend's trip to the Cape to look forward to. You should be able to have one mental health day a month. Expecting people to work a full month without any holiday or anticipatory event is just cruel, considering how most people feel about going to work every day.

There's just so much shit going on at the magazine right now that I have no desire to relive. Suffice to say I am doing my job, and the job I am supposed to be promoted to in a month, and a few other random things thrown my way without any increase in pay. And the supposed new duties change every hour, then get changed back, and it's stupidly frustrating. For everyone, not just me. And it keeps bringing me back to those thoughts I had a few months ago about getting the fuck outta Dodge and doing something, anything else.

But I won't. Not until the fall, at least. So for now, I have two crossword puzzles to finish, and some unmentionables to wash, and maybe some Sims to play. The windows are open, the new bookcase looks fabulous, the guitar is sitting in the corner, waiting for me to learn to play it.


And (I can't believe I forgot about this) I have the last piece of key lime pie to eat. If I had another graham cracker crust in the house, I'd make another one this instant. It's that good, folks. As it is, I'm going to make Rice Krispie treats to take to the Cape with us. If Dan says the peeps up there would be amenable to some tasty citrus pie, I'll make another one too.

There is some sad news to report. It's beyond sad at this point, actually. It's just plain tragic. The Body Shop has discontinued its satsuma and pink grapefruit shower gels. Everywhere. Worldwide. That means the two 6 oz. bottles I spirited back from Scotland are my last ones EVER. EVER! I don't really know how to deal with this. I can't use the satsuma scent they've reworked in the States. It's not the same. The smell of Interlochen showers is going to be lost to me forever.

I hate to break it to Dan, but he's not going to be able to use those bottles. I'm going to have to ration them verrrry sloooooowly.

the night before - the morning after

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