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me as a powerpuff girl

not with a bang but with a hiss

05.29.03 - 9:16 p.m.

Remember a few weeks ago when I bought the Mixmaster and contemplated not doing so because of potential car trouble?

Well. Yesterday night I got a flat tire right in front of our house.

As Dan pointed out as I sulked on the couch, at least it happened at home. I could have been on 78, booking back from Allentown, or somewhere even less convenient or safe. Dan has Triple-A, which came in handy when we had to get a flatbed to tow it to the tire repair center since we couldn't get the lugnuts off ourselves (thanks, Dad, for getting me odd-sized rims and tires that don't fit the wrench set in my car - or anyone else's).

But all in all, it was ok. The Tracer is now sporting a new left rear tire and the whole ordeal cost less than the price of a Mixmaster.

Is this going to be a typical May occurrence? Casey gets a flat and has to depend on big burly men to save the day?

So tonight I bought Dan an extra-special block of cheese at Whole Foods - cheddar mixed with porter. Beer cheese! That's what he gets for dealing with my girly incompetence. He also got the freshest tomato-basil sauce over penne, which I made from scratch. Because that's one area where I am competent. He would have been content with butter over noodles, but that's no way to eat in my book. How does his stomach not go on strike?

Now it is time for some Sim matchmaking. And money cheats? Methinks yes.

the night before - the morning after

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