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me as a powerpuff girl

the st. molentine's day massacre

06.08.03 - 8:38 p.m.

Bassett made out with John A! I willed it into being through my Sims!

Last night I dreamt that I was at Cyndi and Graham's wedding, and immediately after the ceremony - before the receiving line, even - Cyndi turned to me and said, "I shouldn't have married Graham. I should have married Ed Burns." And she and Ed ran off to New Orleans, and no one but me knew where they went. She would send me purple things like Rice Krispie Treats to let me know she was there, and people like her parents would come to my house, all distraught and asking where she was, but I wouldn't tell.

Yes, you can make purple RKTs. You just need to use food coloring when you melt the marshmallows.

Today was the St. Molentine's Day Massacre. Oreo was on the verge of catching his sixth, maybe seventh, mole when we left the 'rents house this afternoon. It's such a cruel game. We let him outside on his leash, let him hunt for moles, wait for him to pounce on one and hear it emit its little mole shriek, then say, "Oreo! No!" and drag him away from the half-mangled mole body.

I say he should probably just decimate the mole family, and then that will be the end of the mole line and there will be nothing else for him to stalk. Either that or not let him near the mole hole at all. But this half-assed way of doing it does provide some entertainment for the afternoon. As does scooping up the mole with a trowel and waiting to see if it will revive itself and jump off. In which case you scoop it up again until you can toss it into the bushes on the other side of the yard. Little furry grey blobs flying through the air.

Now I have to do work. On a Sunday night. So I can take my Fridays off this month. I don't make enough money for this shit. I really wish I liked my job.

the night before - the morning after

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