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me as a powerpuff girl

"I slept on my retainer."

07.03.03 - 3:58 p.m.

My Sim, after discovering the joys of the money cheat, finally bought herself a drum set and quit her job as a rookie for the Llamas. Would that I could do that in real life. Even if I'm not really an athlete for a minor league team. Now she can devote all her time to keeping Tessa Bobbins as a family friend, while possibly undermining Tessa's friendship by putting the mack on John Bobbins when she's not looking. We will see.

My sister in real life has a hickey, which is both disturbing and amusing. Especially since we have to visit Dad tomorrow. Although since Dad and Carol always found her odd for wearing wool socks in the middle of summer, they probably wouldn't notice or care if she showed up in a turtleneck. Until she fainted from heatstroke and the paramedics cut the turtleneck off her body, that is.

Or she could tell Dad she hit herself in the neck while installing the air conditioner. Think that'll fly? One of my friends told her parents that her hickey was actually the result of her rolling over in her sleep and ending up on her retainer. Yeah.

I have no friends, by the way. Just another random realization.

the night before - the morning after

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